differances between stationary population and stable population
Population is total number of people who live in a geographical area
Sampling Error
An organism is One person/animal (or w/e the organism is) and the population is all of them in total.
standard error
What is the difference between the population and sample regression functions? Is this a distinction without difference?
differances between stationary population and stable population
The difference in between an individual, a population, a community, and an ecosystem is and individual (also known as an organism) is only one thing. The difference in between an an organism and a population is a population is multiple organisms. The difference between a population and a community is a group of populations make a community which of course makes a whole ecosystem.
sampled population?
The population of Louisiana is approximately 4.6 million, while the population of England is around 56 million. Therefore, the population difference between Louisiana and England is about 51.4 million.
Population is how many there are, and ecosystem is how do they fit into the world.
A population is a group of organisms and an organism is but one.
hi this is cool
hi this is cool