You should round to two decimal places unless the number is large - like the US national debt, for example.
The decimal point is important, when dealing with money, because it differentiates $500 from $5.00. After the decimal point there will be two digits, these two digits are the number of cents (in America). The number in front of the decimal point is the number of dollars. It is very important that you put the decimal point in the right spot especially when writing checks.
American currency only runs to two decimal places. 43 cents is $0.43
Money is written in decimal for easier computation. Imagine if money is in fraction form, it will be hard for us to compute.
1971 for decimal money here in England
Share dealing involved buying and selling shares of public companies. To be successful at share dealing it is important to know which shares to buy and when to sell. Uneducated individuals can lose large amounts of money in seconds by share dealing.
The decimal point is important, when dealing with money, because it differentiates $500 from $5.00. After the decimal point there will be two digits, these two digits are the number of cents (in America). The number in front of the decimal point is the number of dollars. It is very important that you put the decimal point in the right spot especially when writing checks.
American currency only runs to two decimal places. 43 cents is $0.43
Senators can propose a bill dealing with money
a 401k plan is an life time money dealing plan you should have after you quit your job
a 401k plan is an life time money dealing plan you should have after you quit your job
a 401k plan is an life time money dealing plan you should have after you quit your job
round tu 2 digits aft desimal point
A banker should not have many weaknesses since they are dealing with customers and money. They should be friendly and have a background in math in order to be successful as a banker.
What advantages does a decimal money system have/?
You should love your dad not for money he always play with u and always nice to you and he will do anything you want that's why u should love him =D
the decimal point in money is to separate the dollars from the cents.
A girl should always carry enough money to get her safely home if her date is unable/unwilling to.