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round tu 2 digits aft desimal point

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Q: When calculating money with a decimal do you always round up?
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When dealing with money which decimal place should you always round?

You should round to two decimal places unless the number is large - like the US national debt, for example.

How do you round to the nearest cents for money?

"Cents" is two decimal places. Round to the nearest hundredths.

Does the decimal 0.125 round off to 0.13 in money form?


What decimals round to?

A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. So, a decimal number will always round to a decimal number.

What does state the place to which each decimal has been rounded?

The answer depends on the situation. You could round the answer so that it does not have more significant figures than any of the components which went into calculating it.

Why does there have to be two numbers after the decimal?

There doesn't always have to be two numbers after the decimal. If you are asked to round to the nearest hundreth, then use two places after the decimal. If you are asked to round to the nearest thousandth, then use 3 places after the decimal. If you are asked to round to the nearest tenth, then use 1 place after the decimal. If you are not told where to round, then it is up to you. One common way of doing it is to use significant figures. In other words, if you are dividing two numbers to get a decimal; count the number of significant figures in the divisor and the dividend. Whichever one has the least number of significant figures, use that number of significant figures in your answer. For example: 30.5 / 1.3456789 30.5 has the least number of significant figures; so use 3 significant figures in your answer. Answer: 22.7 If you are working with money, then always use two numbers after the decimal. For example: Add $30.15 + $201.25 Answer: $231.40

What to do if the money total has a repeating decimal?

round off to nearest one hundredth; for example 1.444444.. = 1.44

Do you round your GPA when calculating your academic performance?

Yes, when calculating GPA, it is common practice to round to the nearest hundredth place to reflect academic performance accurately.

Does a 3.75 GPA round up when calculating final grades?

Typically, a 3.75 GPA does not round up when calculating final grades. It is usually considered a 3.7 GPA.

How do you round off 698.698 to two decimal places?

698.70 Edit: When rounding up or down to decimal places - always look at the next digit. If it's between 0 & 4, you round down. If it's between 5 & 9, you round up (as in this case) Snakester1962 (Supervisor)

Round 6.52 by 1 decimal place?

6.5- you round it until it has one decimal.

How do you round 7.9205 to one decimal?

Round it downto 7.9 - when rounding decimals - always look at the next digit in the number. If it's between 0 and 4, round down - If it's between 5 and 9, round up.