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Q: When did Benoit Mandelbrot create fractals?
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Where were fractals discovered?

Fractals were discovered in 1975 by a scientist names Benoit Mandelbrot.

Which mathematician was a pioneer in the study of fractals?

Benoit Mandelbrot

Benoit Mandelbrot discovered what mathematical structures?


Which mathematician was a pioneer in the study fractals?

Benoit Mandelbrot

What has the author Benoit B Mandelbrot written?

Benoit B. Mandelbrot has written: 'Gaussian self-affinity and fractals' -- subject- s -: Electronic noise, Fractals, Multifractals 'The - Mis - Behavior of Markets' 'The fractal geometry of nature' -- subject- s -: Geometry, Mathematical models, Fractals, Stochastic processes 'Fractals' -- subject- s -: Geometry, Mathematical models, Fractals, Stochastic processes

Who is credited with first starting to study fractals?

The concept of fractals can be traced back to mathematicians Benoit Mandelbrot and Georg Cantor. Mandelbrot is often credited with popularizing the term "fractal" and demonstrating their applications in various fields.

Who was the first person to get computers to make complex fractals?

The first person was the French-American mathematician, Dr Benoit Mandelbrot.

What is Benoit Mandelbrot most well known for?

Benoit Mandelbrot is most well known for his discovery of patterns in nature, which he termed "fractals". Mandelbrot, now deceased, was a mathematician who primarily studied advanced geometry. His "Theory of Roughness" was formed when he found infinitely repeating patterns in mountain ranges and coastlines.

What are Benoite Mandelbrot major mathematical accomplishment?

Benoit Mandelbrot made mathematical accomplishments in physics, information theory, and finance. However, he is by far best known for his organization and rigorous development of the geometric objects known as fractals, a word which he invented. Specifically, his studies of fractals lead to his development of what are now called Mandelbrot sets, which provided the spark that started the fire with regards to the research of chaos theory.

When were fractals discovered?

Benoit Mandelbrot is the man who is usually credited to have discovered fractals in the year 1975. He was the first person to use this word and was also the first man to represent them in visual form. But history also shows that some facts about fractals were known to mathematicians as early as the 17th century.

Who was Benoit Mandelbrot?

he is a french mathmatician.

What did Benoit Mandelbrot do?

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