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Hundred Thousand Martyrs of Tbilisi died on 1226-03-09.

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Q: When did Hundred Thousand Martyrs of Tbilisi die?
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What does hundred and one mean as and idiom?

A hundred and one doesn't mean anything really. At least not all by itself. There are a hundred and one ways to die, a hundred and one ways to cheat on your taxes, there's a hundred and one things to do. It just means a lot of something.

On the show a thousand ways to die what's the number one way to die?

The real number one way do die is a heart attack when having sex

How many times do you need to roll a one-hundred sided die to have more than a 50 percent chance of rolling the same number twice?

50 times or above

What is the meaning of ''I would rather die a thousand deaths''?

f@ck u all good bye aka idk betches go ask ur grandmother she was probably there when the shet happened

How do you pronounce welsh numbers?

The Welsh numbers from 1-10 are Un (one - pronounced "een") Dau (two - pronounced "die") Tri (three - pronounced "tree") Pedwar (four - pronounced "ped-whar") Pump (five - pronounced "pimp") Chwech (six - pronounced kwe-ch) Saith (seven - prounounced "scythe") Wyth (eight - pronounced "oi-th") Nawr (nine - pronounced "naw-r") Deg (ten - pronounced "deg") 10+ are Un deg (ten - pronounced "een deg") Un deg un (eleven - prononced "een deg een") Un deg dau (twelve - pronounced "een deg die") And so on. 20+ is Dau deg un (twenty - pronounced "die deg un") I'm sure using this, you can work out everything up to 99. One hundred is cant (pronounced can't) For 100-999 you use things such as un cant saith deg pedwar (which is 174 - "een can't scythe deg ped-whar") For reference, a thousand is mil - pronounced "meel".

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martyrs are people who die for there religious faith

Why did the martyrs die?

The martyrs died for their christian belief.

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a hundred or a thousand people Can die from a single fire

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Martyrs of Thailand died in 1940.

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