10 cents and the bucket costs 20 cents.
If the rope is hanging vertical ... one end from the ceiling and the other end to the bucket ... then the tension in the rope is 41.16 newtons (9.26 pounds).
soory dude or girl but this was just a joke question. but i hope you find what your looking for. by Michael Johnson
This is a very silly question. This can be a US Gallon, or an Imperial Gallon. The lid can be a screw cap on a tin can or a screw opening on a plastic Jerry can. It might also be a fuel can on a boat or a generator. The size of a bucket lid is about the size of the bucket you are talking about. Well, considering most people would specify one of those other things if they really meant them, I'm guessing the "asker" is referring to a standard, everyday 5-gallon bucket. Of course you could have a short and fat bucket or a skinny and tall bucket, but that's not what they asked, was it? It's not a silly question, just a stupid answer. I think what you're looking for are the dimensions of the bucket. The top of a standard bucket is around 11.9" in diameter, which means about 37.4" in circumference. The lid must fit on that, so you can make calculations as such. Sound good?
# Fill the 5 liter bucket # Pour it into the 7 liter bucket # Fill the 5 liter bucket # Fill the 7 liter bucket from the 5 (2 liters go in leaving 3 liters in the 5 liter bucket) # Empty the 7 liter bucket # Pour the 3 liters from the 5 liter bucket into the 7 liter bucket # Fill the 5 liter bucket # Fill the 7 liter bucket from the 5 liter bucket (4 liters go in leaving 1 liter in the 5 liter bucket) # Empty the 7 liter bucket # Pour the 1 liter form the 5 liter bucket into the 7 liter bucket # fill the 5 liter bucket. You now have 5 liters in the 5 liter bucket and 1 liter in the 7 liter bucket; 6 liters in all. Pour the 5 liters into the 7 liter bucket if you want all 6 liters in one container.
Yellow Plastic Bucket was created in 1993.
use ice
I assume the bucket was used to get rid of the water that used to be in the elevator. Currently the bucket has no use.
It is on the driver's side of the engine compartment back by the firewall. It normally has a yellow loop at the end, but they are plastic and can break off. Look for a long, thin metal tube with a yellow plastic bit on the end.
A bucket is typically made of materials that are conductors of electricity, such as metal or plastic. It is not an insulator.
You have to get the bucket from the guy with the chair and fill it] You have to get the bucket from the guy with the chair and fill it] You have to get the bucket from the guy with the chair and fill it]
A digger digs earth out of the ground with a large bucket on the end of a moving arm. Most diggers move around on caterpillar tracks. They are usually yellow in color.
pour out one litre from 5L bucket :D LOL
The definition of a bucket is an open container or deep cylindrical vessel that has a flat bottom, with a handle that is used to hold and carry liquids. A bucket can be made of plastic, metal, or wood.
Get the sand bucket sitting at the beach and go to the snow forts. Pick up the bucket and fill it up with snow. Take it to the yellow puffle.
first go to the snow forts then fill the bucket then go to the town collect the gear blueprint then go back to the yellow puffle then give him the gear blue print then give him the bucket of snow