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Q: Who were the first known people to use pi?
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Who were the first people to use pi?

The Hindus created PI

Who were the first people known to find a value of pi?


Who were the first known people to value pi?

People from ancient civilizations knew about the value of pi but as it was then as it is now the exact value of pi has never been conclusively found because it is an irrational number.

Who were the first group of people known to calculate the area of a circle using a pi approximation of 3?

It is not known. The Rhind Papyrus describes how the area of a circle is related to pi where pi was estimated as (4/3)4 ≈ 3.1605 (approx). The Rhind Papyrus dates from around 1700 BCE. So either very ancient people used pi = 3 or else they were later people who were dogmatically required to use pi = 3.

Why do people use Pi?

people use pi to find the circumference of a circle.

Who were the first people known to find a value for Pi and what was its value?

Archimedes of Syracuse is said to be the first mathematician to make a systematic attempt to estimate pi in the third century BC.

Who found the first known value of pi?

the founder of the longest pi is...

What does Pi mean in mathermathics?

Pi is a number that is never ending, but most people only use the first couple of digits. pi = 3.14159265 pi is the ratio of a circles' diameter to its circumference

Who use the first to use pi?

The first person to use pi is the awesome man Archimedes he was the first to compute pi's value accurately! I know this answer and I'm in 5th grade!:)

Who was first to use the pi symbol?

the first person to use pi was the amazing thomas paul pearson

What group of people found the first known value of PI?

No one because the exact value of pi has never been finally determined because it is an irrational number

Where did Pi get this name from in the Life of Pi?

people made fun of his name his real name is Piscine Molitor Patel. but instead the next year her decided to use the first 2 letters which is "Pi"