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Q: When did you use set shot and why?
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Why do you use a set to shot?

there are two different shots in basketball the jump shot is where the player jumps to their highest peak then releases the ball usually just above their forehead. Now the set shot is where you do not jump as high. Set shots are typically slower releases than jump shots as well. For a set shot you square your body {feet, arms} to the basket bend the knees and shoot. ==={I use the shot when I was close to the basket when I was free from my marker.}===

What is the set shot in volleyball?

The set shot is where you push the ball up into the air from your chest to set someone else up

On a movie set what is the martini shot?

last shot of the day

What a free throw shot and a set shot are?

A free throw shot is when a basketball player gets to shoot the ball from the free throw line, unopposed by the other team. A set shot is when a soccer player gets to set himself up for a shot after the umpire has blown his whistle, it is a free kick awarded to a player.

Can we Use the word shot as noun?

you definitely can use shot as a noun. For example, "I drank the shot of liquor."

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How do you set burnie free in moshi monsters?

shot him

Does Victorious use the same set as iCarly?

Yes. They are both shot on Nickelodeon at Sunset. They just have alternating shooting schedules, so they don't clash.

What is the name of the shot in basketball that is made from a set line?

i think you mean a foul shot (free throw)

What are the 6 different shots in basketball?

the one-hand set shot, jump shot, free throw, three-point shot, hook shot, lay-up and runner :)

What is the thing that they use to take a shot?

A shot glass...

What is a Set shot in basketball?

okay let me see if i can help. there are two different shots in basketball the jump shot is were the player jumps to there highest peak then releases the ball usually just above their forehead. Now the set shot is were you do not jump as high. set shots are typically slower releases than jump shots as well. for a set shot you square your body(feet, arms) to the basket bend the knees and shoot