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When discussing the Earth's magnetic field, we could say that the Earth has a geomagnetic north pole. The magnetic field changes every several hundred thousand years and thus the north and south magnetic poles swap places.

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Q: When discussing the Earth's magnetic field we could say that the Earth has a?
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What are two primary differences between an electromagnets magnetic field and earths magnetic field?

First one is artificial where as the latter is natural We could increase or decrease the strength of magnetic field but we cannot vary earth's Intense field could be produced but earth's field is feeble in comparison with artificial

What is happening to earths magnetic field?

The Earth's magnetic field is weakening in strength, particularly in the South Atlantic region. This weakening has been observed over the past few centuries. Scientists believe this weakening is a natural process and could be a sign that the Earth's magnetic poles are preparing to reverse.

Could there be a fusion reaction in the earths core driving the heat and magnetic field?

No. A fusion event requires a much greater energy density than can exist at the Earth's core.

What is a very likely candidate for the existence of the earths magnetic field?

The most accepted theory for the Earth's magnetic field is that it is generated by the movement of molten iron and nickel in the outer core of the Earth, leading to the generation of a self-sustaining magnetic field through a process called the geodynamo effect.

Is Earths magnetic field widening?

I am not sure what you mean by widening. The Earth's magnetic field is a result of the fact that the Earth has a molten Iron core and the planet is rotating quite rapidly. The strength of the magnetic field in these circumstances is dependent on the speed of rotation. As the Earths rotational speed is slowing (due to the friction of the tides caused by the moon) the Earth's magnetic field is gradually weakening over geological time scales but this is not significant in terms of human time. The other affect of the rotating Iron core on the magnetic field is what is called field inversions. In the same was as the Sun goes through an 11 cycle of activity during which the N and S magnetic poles flip, the Earth's poles also flip about once every 75-100 thousand years. There is some evidence that the Earth's poles are in the process of flipping at the moment and during this process, in the same was that the Sun develops Sun spots, multiple poles appear at various locations round the Earth. This effect could be said to distort (or widen) the Earths magnetic field.

As the magma would harden when it hits the water they could get a magnetic reading of the crust. What could they determine from this magnetic reading?

The direction of the Earth's magnetic field.

Why is the earths magnetic field is important because it?

The Earth's magnetic field acts as a shield, protecting us from solar winds and cosmic radiation. Without it, these harmful particles could strip away our atmosphere and make life on Earth unsustainable. Additionally, the magnetic field plays a crucial role in navigation for animals, technology, and humans.

How many earths could fit around Jupiter?

1300 earth can fit in it

How much earths can fit into Jupiter?

Approximately 1,321 Earths could fit inside Jupiter, as Jupiter's volume is about 1,321 times that of Earth.

What is the basis of 2012 prediction?

There is speculation that the earths magnetic orientation will shift soon based on previous history, however no one today knows the answer. Sometime in the future your compass will read south when it is pointing north. This will affect the earths magnetic field, when it occurs. The Mayans never said that the earth would end, however they seemed to be a very advanced culture and when they made their calendar, they ended it on the year 2012. Also the prediction considers the solar storms that the sun produces every seven years. What could happen, but probably wont, is if the magnetic earth reverses at the same time as a sun storm, the rays will fry the earth because we will have no protection from the magnetic force field. Hope that helps, but don't bank on this "theory."

Image and size difference between Jupiter and earth?

Jupiter is significantly larger than Earth, with a diameter approximately 11 times that of Earth. To put it in context, about 1,300 Earths could fit inside Jupiter. Jupiter's larger size contributes to its immense gravity and strong magnetic field.

What is a magnetized needle that is attracted to the Earth's North magnetic pole?

That would be a compass needle. It aligns with the Earth's magnetic field and points towards the North magnetic pole.