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simple random sampling

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Q: When dividing a population into subgroups so that a random sample from each subgroup can be collected?
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What are the properties of a subgroup?

The properties of a subgroup would include the identity of the subgroup being the identity of the group and the inverse of an element of the subgroup would be the same in the group. The intersection of two subgroups would be a separate group in the system.

How real numbers are divided into subgroups?

The main subgroup is the rational numbers. The set of irrational numbers is not closed with regard to addition basic arithmetical operations and so does not form a group.

How do we prove that a finite group G of order p prime is cyclic using Lagrange?

Lagrange theorem states that the order of any subgroup of a group G must divide order of the group G. If order p of the group G is prime the only divisors are 1 and p, therefore the only subgroups of G are {e} and G itself. Take any a not equal e. Then the set of all integer powers of a is by definition a cyclic subgroup of G, but the only subgroup of G with more then 1 element is G itself, therefore G is cyclic. QED.

Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic?

Yes, every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic because every subgroup is a group.

In group theory what is a group generator?

In abstract algebra, a generating set of a group Gis a subset S such that every element of G can be expressed as the product of finitely many elements of S and their inverses.More generally, if S is a subset of a group G, then , the subgroup generated by S, is the smallest subgroup of G containing every element of S, meaning the intersection over all subgroups containing the elements of S; equivalently, is the subgroup of all elements of G that can be expressed as the finite product of elements in S and their inverses.If G = , then we say S generatesG; and the elements in S are called generators or group generators. If S is the empty set, then is the trivial group {e}, since we consider the empty product to be the identity.When there is only a single element x in S, is usually written as . In this case, is the cyclic subgroup of the powers of x, a cyclic group, and we say this group is generated by x. Equivalent to saying an element x generates a group is saying that it has order |G|, or that equals the entire group G.My source is linked below.

Related questions

What is a example sentence of subgroup?

Subgroups of the population have been shown to be poor.

What are the properties of a subgroup?

The properties of a subgroup would include the identity of the subgroup being the identity of the group and the inverse of an element of the subgroup would be the same in the group. The intersection of two subgroups would be a separate group in the system.

What is the subgroup of a wolf?

Wolfs are alpha of K9.All other K9 are subgroups of wolfs.

What is post stratification?

Post stratification is a statistical technique used to improve the precision of estimates by adjusting sample weights based on known population characteristics. It involves dividing the sample into subgroups (strata) based on certain characteristics and then adjusting the weights of each subgroup to better reflect the overall population. This helps to reduce bias and improve the accuracy of estimates in survey sampling.

What includes all the subgroups within a given population in numbers that are proportionally equal to those found in that population?

Stratified random sampling includes all subgroups within a population with numbers proportional to their presence in the overall population. This method ensures that each subgroup's representation in the sample reflects its true proportion in the larger population, helping to provide a more accurate and representative sample.

Let Sn be the group of permutations on n symbols Then 1. S4 has no subgroup isomorphic to S3 2. S4 has only one subgroup isomorphic to S3 3. S4 has exactly 3 distinct subgroups isomorphic to S3?

It has 4 subgroups isomorphic to S3. If you hold each of the 4 elements fixed and permute the remaining three, you get each of the 4 subgroups isomorphic to S3.

What is The grand average of the subgroup averages is known as?

After 20 or so subgroups are plotted, a grand average (X-double bar) of all of the subgroup averages is calculated and plotted as a horizontal line on the top chart. Also, an average (R-bar) of all of the subgroup ranges is calculated and plotted on the bottom chart. The R-bar value can also be used to calculate the Upper and Lower Control Limits for both charts. These represent the normal limits (+ or - minus 3 standard deviations, or 99.7%) of the population of subgroups.

What is the vertebrates subgroups?

Vertebrates are a sub group of phylum Chordata . The vertebrates are all grouped into a phylum known as "Chordata", which is a subgroup of the kingdom "Animalia".

What are the normal subgroups of general linear group?

The special linear group, SL(n,R), is a normal subgroup of the general linear subgroup GL(n,R). Proof: SL(n,R) is the kernel of the determinant function, which is a group homomorphism. The kernel of a group homomorphism is always a normal subgroup.

What are the various subgroups of structural isomers?

Structural Isomers- differ in the covalent arrangement of their atoms Geometric Isomers- differ in spatial arrangement around double bonds Enantiomers- mirror images of each other

What is a change in the allele frequiencies of a population due to the migration of a small subgroup of the population to a new place?

Genetic drift. The subgroup is subject to the founder effect.

What is mixed field agglutination?

it's described when you have two distinct cell population in blood. the presence of rare subgroups of A usually cause mixed field agglutination. for e.g the A3 subgroup. So when the patient with A3 subgroup is transfused with O blood group. mixed field reaction is seen. you will see some clumps among large numbers of cell which has absored the antibody on their surface but do not agglutinate.