Trigonometry functions are used to work out the various properties of triangles.
cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse. It can be used as other trig functions can.
Cosine and secant are even trig functions.
The first recorded functions had something to do with the chords of a circle.
The basic trigonometric functions have periods of pi or 2pi radians (180 or 360 degrees). But a key property of a trig function is that it can be made to have any periodicity.The basic trigonometric functions have periods of pi or 2pi radians (180 or 360 degrees). But a key property of a trig function is that it can be made to have any periodicity.The basic trigonometric functions have periods of pi or 2pi radians (180 or 360 degrees). But a key property of a trig function is that it can be made to have any periodicity.The basic trigonometric functions have periods of pi or 2pi radians (180 or 360 degrees). But a key property of a trig function is that it can be made to have any periodicity.
cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse. It can be used as other trig functions can.
The only trig functions i can think of with horizontal assymptotes are the inverse trig functions. and they go assymptotic for everytime the non-inverse function is equal to zero.
Cosine and secant are even trig functions.
with a sine wave
That depends on your profession. If you are a math teacher, then you might use a lot of Trig. If you are an engineer, working with forces on any object from different directions, then you would use trig. Electrical engineers use trig. Surveyors use trig.
The first recorded functions had something to do with the chords of a circle.
They do not. They are not animate nor sentient and so they are incapable of communicating.
you may try the link below
spherical trig look it up its way confusing
Can you use trigonomic functions in real life situations? It's not like you carry a calculator with you everywhere... Very unlikely unless you have a job that requires trig skills.