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In real life unit vectors are used for directions, e.g east, north and up. The unit vector specifies the direction. Gyroscopes maintain a direction and keep things level. Whenever and where ever location is important, unit vectors are a part of real life.

Whenever directions are important in your real life, then unit vectors are important. If everything was confined to move along a straight line, then unit vectors would not be important. If you can move in a plane, then unit vectors are important. Moving in space, unit vectors are more important. cars, ships and planes all move in space. Controlling and tracking these all involve unit vectors.

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Q: When do we use vector algebra in daily life?
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Why do you use algebra in your daily life?

U use algebra in your daily life because you could need it in jobs or careers when you get old enough to have them. Also people like algebra and have jobs like accounting so you have to learn it... ! ...

What is the importance of algebra in our daily life?

Most people don't use algebra in their daily lives, mainly because they forget how to use it - except those that work in engineering or science. If you are comfortable with algebra, you COULD use it to solve problems in a variety of real-life situations.

What are use of algebra in daily life?

going to the grocery store, and figuring out costs(?)

Application of algebra in daily life?

yes of course . we do use algebra in daily life even every1 uses it in finances, engineering, and many scientific fields,BUSINESS .Chemistry,construction,consumer

When can you use algebra in daily life?

Algebra can be used in decision making, data entry, calculating distance, and many other areas.

What is algebra used in daily life?

We use it all the time without knowing it. When we go to the store or do finances, it's all algebra. Engineering and many scientific fields also use algebra.

Where do we use algebra?

In life

When will you use algebra in real life?

You could use algebra in real life in nearly anything that you do. You could use algebra to calculate how much gas you will put in your car and how much it will cost you.

How do you use complex and imaginary numbers in your daily life?

you would use complex and imaginary numbers in your daily life if you become a mathematician, electrical engineer, quantam mechanic, etc. otherwise, you would not use use them at all except in algebra 2, pre-calc, calculus....i hope that helped a little bit.

When do you use algebra in your life?

The basics come into use quite often, though you might not even realise you are using algebra.

When do we use algebra in our daily life?

If we are driving a car & need to calculate the distance or need to know the volume of the milk container, algebraic formulas are used in our day - to - day lives.

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angles in our daily life