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If you were in your first trimester, you'll probably have a period within 4 to 6 weeks, possibly a few longer. You may ovulate around 14 days before that period, or you may not ovulate until your next cycle. It takes a while for your hormones to go back to a normal cycle, and it varies greatly from woman to woman. You can use cervical mucus checking and ovulation predictor kids to help determine when you will probably ovulate, and take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed to see if you did (it will go up a little bit and stay up until your next period within the day or two after you ovulate). If you are still bleeding I'd guess not, but if you bled for more than a week it could be possible, although unlikely.

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Q: When do you ovulate after a miscarriage is it after the bleding stops or before?
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Can you get pregnant 2 weeks after natural miscarriage?

Yes it is, providing you are ovulating again. I conceived in the cycle after a miscarriage... effectively about 15 days afterwards. I am now seven weeks pregnant and so far things are going well. It's always worth seeing a doctor to make sure your body has recovered properly though. Yes you can. It is not dangerous. Yes. Many women miscarriage and go onto healthy babies. Though research has been conducted and not entirely understood still it seems women mainly miscarriage only girls or only boys varying from person to person. I have know women who only miscarried boys and some only girls. With a supportive partner you will be fine. ITS NOT YOUR FAULT. yes. my mother had a miscarriage and became pregnant with me 3 days later.

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