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Q: When does the value of the multiplier increase?
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How do you use a multiplier to calculate a percentage increase?

(final value minus original value) divided by the original value, then multiply by 100

Can a government spending multiplier be a value of less than 1?

Quite simply, no. The Spending multiplier, even on government spending, will always have a value of greater than one. It really is self-evident; for that money to be subjected to a multiplier, it must be circulating multiple times, therefore the first circulation (the initial spending) would result in a multiplier of one, and subsequent spends would increase the multiplier further

What happens with the multiplier when MPS increase?

what happen with the multiplier when mps increse

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What does multiplier effect mean?

The multiplier effect describes how an increase in some economic activity starts a chain reaction that generates more activity than the original increase. The multiplier effect demonstrates the impact that reserve requirements set by the Federal Reserve have on the U.S. money supply.

How do you do compound percentages?

You use the multipliers.Suppose you have an A% increase followed by a B% increase, then the value V is increased toV*(1+A/100)*(1+B/100).Therefore, the multiplier is (1+A/100)*(1+B/100) = 1+A/100+B/100+AB/10000So the compound percentage increase is A + B + A*B/100.Note that for compounding a C% decrease, the multiplier is 1-C/100.

What are the factors affecting the multiplier?

Savings.taxes nd increase in interest rate

What is the multiplier that will increase an amount by 15 percent?

N x 1.15

What is a multipliers?

A multiplier which deals with financial matters 1/1-mpc

How do you a multiplier to calculate a percentage increase?

percent increase=(new amount-original amount) _____________________ original amount

How can you tell if your multiplier should be more than one?

If the percentage change is an increase.