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It is not true to say that you should automatically draw a smooth line. It depends on what you are attempting to do. A smooth line may be a good indicator of a trend but such a line is useless if you want to find out whether or not there is any periodicity in the data. For the latter you must join the data points and look for periodic patterns.

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Q: When graphing why should you draw a smooth line that reflects the general patter rather that automatically connect the data points?
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Why should you draw a smooth line that reflects the general pattern rather than automatically connect the data points?

A line of best fit emphasizes the overall trend shown by all the data taken as a whole whereas if you just "connect the dots", the lines could be all over the place.

Why should you draw a smooth line that reflects the general pattern rather than simply connect the data points?

If the question is about a scatter plot, the the data points will be not be located on a straight line but will be displaced by a random element. Connecting the points will give a zigzag line which will fit all the data point exactly but will be of little use in terms of explanatory or predictive value. A smooth line will.

What is the name of the line that does not connect the dots but shows a general trend?

A trend line.

What type of graph would you use to show patterns in your data?

One advantage of graphing daa in general is to see patterns. Many types of graphs will show patterns. Line graphs are excellent for seeing patterns and trends.

How to graph quadratic function?

The general technique for graphing quadratics is the same as for graphing linear equations. However, since quadratics graph as curvy lines (called "parabolas"), rather than the straight lines generated by linear equations, there are some additional considerations.The most basic quadratic is y = x2. When you graphed straight lines, you only needed two points to graph your line, though you generally plotted three or more points just to be on the safe side. However, three points will almost certainly not be enough points for graphing a quadratic, at least not until you are very experienced. For example, suppose a student computes these three points:Then, based only on his experience with linear graphs, he tries to put a straight line through the points.

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When graphing why should you draw a smooth line that reflects the general pattern rather than automatically connect the data points?

If you want to draw a good graph, draw a smooth curve. If you just draw straight lines connecting the points, depending on which points you pick, you could get a really inaccurate graph. So, always plot a lot of points before drawing a line, and draw a smooth line!

Why should you draw a smooth line that reflects the general pattern rather than automatically connect the data points?

A line of best fit emphasizes the overall trend shown by all the data taken as a whole whereas if you just "connect the dots", the lines could be all over the place.

A smooth line that reflects the general pattern in a graph?

The line that reflects the general pattern of a graph is called a trend line.

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Why should you draw a smooth line that reflects the general pattern rather than simply connect the data points?

If the question is about a scatter plot, the the data points will be not be located on a straight line but will be displaced by a random element. Connecting the points will give a zigzag line which will fit all the data point exactly but will be of little use in terms of explanatory or predictive value. A smooth line will.

What is the name of the line that does not connect the dots but shows a general trend?

A trend line.

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