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The full version of the Wiccan Rede describes casting the circle deosil and widdershins, when the moon is waxing and waning, respectively. Actually, whenever one is performing ritual where the target is to be banished or destroyed (note that this is not necessarily evil, since the banishment of a bad habit, such as drug addiction, or the destruction of a cancerous tumor, would actually be a good thing -- maybe even life saving!), then it may be argued that a widdershins casting of the circle is appropriate. The calling of the quarters, etc. would also proceed widdershins. At the conclusion of the ritual, the dismissing of the quarters and opening of the circle would proceed deosil. These types of rituals would usually be timed for the waning of the moon (such as at a Dark Moon Ritual), but when that's not always an option -- when you need magic, you need it and waiting for a couple of weeks may not be an option.

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