The date can be written as 3.14.15 which are the first digits of pi. That can only happen once every hundred years.
International pi day was chosen because it's on March 14 or 3/14 and the first three numbers of pi are 3.14 Larry Shaw, physicist, organized the first pi day in 1988 at the San Francisco Exploratorium. He thought that it would be fun to march around and eat fruit pies.
50 years is a golden wedding, 25 is a silver wedding? I know it says "gd" but I wonder...
If the question refers to GDP(I), it is a measure of national output (Gross Domestic Product). There are basically three ways of measuring it - Output, Expenditure and Income - the last of which gives GDP(I). In theory, all three measures should agree but in practise they don't. If the question did not refer to GDP(I), then apologies.
[pi^(1/3)]^2 * pi = pi^(2/3) * pi = pi^(5/3) The answer is the cubic root of pi to the fifth power.
what is the date of m.p. m.e.t. gd pi
kabi nhi
GD/Will start from June and will be there till 20 July u can seegd/pi help on is a very good site this has also info abt each and every college of mp
On gd Friday he died and Easter he rose duhh!
it would be around 100-120 in written and 20 in gd & pi for gen category
You can set it by using the "date" command Syntax is "date MMDDhhmmYY"
august 30 what is my pi ?
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It does nothing. It consists of the first five digits of pi. It could be the representation of a date in the US style. It does nothing. It consists of the first five digits of pi. It could be the representation of a date in the US style. It does nothing. It consists of the first five digits of pi. It could be the representation of a date in the US style. It does nothing. It consists of the first five digits of pi. It could be the representation of a date in the US style.