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Q: When is date of gd pi?
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On gd Friday he died and Easter he rose duhh!

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You can set it by using the "date" command Syntax is "date MMDDhhmmYY"

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Crack WAT/GD/PI for MBA Admissions by Disha Publication is surely going to help you crack CAT exams.

What does 03.14. 16?

It does nothing. It consists of the first five digits of pi. It could be the representation of a date in the US style. It does nothing. It consists of the first five digits of pi. It could be the representation of a date in the US style. It does nothing. It consists of the first five digits of pi. It could be the representation of a date in the US style. It does nothing. It consists of the first five digits of pi. It could be the representation of a date in the US style.