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Then the whole number is negative.

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Q: When is half of a number more than the whole number?
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Is a fraction a whole number if it is more than zero?

No. A half is a fraction, it is more than zero but it is not a whole number.

What is 2.5 rounded to the nearest 1?

3.because if its half or more than you round it to the whole number.

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These nuts

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this can not be written as a whole number as 0.5 or one half is less than the first whole number one (1)

Round 223 and 11over 20 to the nearest whole number?

11/20 is more than a half so the answer is 224.

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the majority is the number more than half the total number of a given group.

Is a whole number more than a decimal number?

Not necessarily.0.5 < 1 < 1.5 So, the whole number 1 is more than the decimal fraction 0.5 but less than the decimal fraction 1.5 but the decimal fraction 0.5 is less than the whole number 1 while the decimal fraction 1.5 is more than the whole number 1.

What is the number if seven less than half of it is 35?

If seven less than half of the number is 35 then 7 plus 35 must be half of the number. 7 + 35 = 42 and if that is half the number the whole number must be 42 x 2, which is 84.

When you divide a whole number by a decimal less than 1 the quotion is greater than the whole number why?

If you divided the whole number by Anything greater than 1 and the answer would be less than the whole number.If you divide the whole number by 1 the answer would be the same as the whole number.When you go smaller than 1 - say 0.5 then this is the same as a half 1/2 and there are 2 halves in the number 1Thus if you divide the whole number by 0.5 the answer would be twice the whole number.

What is 56 percent?

Slightly more than half of whole no. in question.

A whole number having more than two factors?

yes 22 is a whole number it has more than two factors even 27