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Q: When is it valid to approximate a charge distribution by a point charge?
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Why do people use syllogisms?

so that they can have a clear an valid point to the argument, with proof.

Can a pair of straight angles can also be adjecent angles?

No, but the can be adjacent angles. It is mathematically valid even though it serves no point.

When population distribution is right skewed is the interval still valid?

You probably mean the confidence interval. When you construct a confidence interval it has a percentage coverage that is based on assumptions about the population distribution. If the population distribution is skewed there is reason to believe that (a) the statistics upon which the interval are based (namely the mean and standard deviation) might well be biased, and (b) the confidence interval will not accurately cover the population value as accurately or symmetrically as expected.

Is it possible for graph of function to cross the horizontal assymptotes?

When you plot a function with asymptotes, you know that the graph cannot cross the asymptotes, because the function cannot be valid at the asymptote. (Since that is the point of having an asymptotes - it is a "disconnect" where the function is not valid - e.g when dividing by zero or something equally strange would occur). So if you graph is crossing an asymptote at any point, something's gone wrong.

How does one determine the validity and the invalidity of a function?

The validity or invalidity of a function are not abstract but depend on its domain and codomain or range. If for any point, A, in the domain there is a unique point, B, in the range such that f(A) = B then the function is valid at A. The validity of a function can change from point to point. For example, f(x) = sqrt(x) is not a function from the set of Real Numbers to the set of Real Numbers because any negative number in the domain is not mapped to any value in the range. This can be corrected either by changing the domain to the set of non-negative Real Numbers or (if you are a more advanced mathematician) change the range to the set of Complex Numbers. Similarly the reciprocal function, f(x) = 1/x is valid everywhere except for x = 0. Or f(x) = tan(x) is valid except for x = 90+k*180 degrees for all integer values of k - so it is not valid at an infinite number of points.

Related questions

Why is Coulomb's law valid only for a point charge?

Coulomb's law describes the electrostatic force between two point charges. It assumes that the charges are concentrated at a single point. This simplification allows for a straightforward calculation of the force based on the distance between the charges and the magnitude of the charges. If the charges are not concentrated at a single point, the law would not accurately describe the electrostatic interactions.

What is a valid 1600 Microsoft point code?

Its a valid code which allows you to get the points which you paid for.

How do you get money back for unauthorized charges?

You call your cc co. and dispute the charge. They investigate, do a charge back if valid and apply a credit.

Do they charge on craigslist for a personal ad?

No. However verification of a valid phone number is required.

Is it theft if a cashier forgets to charge you for something?

Technically and morally, yes. You don't have a valid receipt. If you get stopped leaving the store they can charge you with shoplifting.

How do you determine whether a point is on a given line or not?

Substitute the coordinates of the point into the equation of the line. If the equation is still valid then the point is on the line; if not then it is not.

Evidence valid in court for child protection?

Evidence valid means that the cps investigator believes that the charge or report he/she is investigating is true or there is enough proof to substantiate the claim.

What is valid statement about land distribution in many central American nations?

the largest amount of land is owned by the smallest number of families

A essay is intended to convince the reader that the point or opinion you are writing about is?

persuasive; valid

Why do people use syllogisms?

so that they can have a clear an valid point to the argument, with proof.

What are valid punctuation marks in English?

Valid punctuation marks in English include the period, the question mark, the comma, and the apostrophe. Other valid marks are the exclamation point, quotation marks, the colon, and semicolon.

Do you pay for Wheel of Fortune spin id?

There is no charge if you are a US Citizen and 18 years of age with a valid Email adddress