Oh, dude, like, when you're writing a love letter to your crush in the 1800s, long hand might be quicker than short hand because you want to pour your heart out in flowery language. Otherwise, short hand is usually faster because you're just scribbling down notes or something. But hey, if you want to impress someone with your fancy cursive, go for it!
Short Hand- hour hand makes 2 rounds. Long hand - minute hand makes 24 rounds
Well, isn't that just a happy little coincidence! When the short hand is on the 1 and the long hand is on the 3, it means it's 3 o'clock. Time is a wonderful thing, always moving and creating new moments for us to enjoy.
Yes it is. The short hand is the hour hand. fo all you simple minded people out there
Fast moving long hand: seconds Slower moving long hand: minutes Slowest moving short hand: hours
Hand has a short A sound, as in can, man, and band.
Longhand is typically not quicker than shorthand, unless the person is not skilled at short hand. Shorthand was invented to be faster than longhand.
The A has a short A sound, as in can and hand
No, the word "hand" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel 'a' in "hand" is short, pronounced as /Γ¦/.
No, "hand" does not contain a long vowel sound. The 'a' in "hand" makes a short vowel sound like the 'a' in "cat."
The short fat hand
In the word "hand," the letter A has a short sound. It is pronounced as "hænd."
Short Hand- hour hand makes 2 rounds. Long hand - minute hand makes 24 rounds
No. Hand has a short A sound as in can and sand.
The A has a short A sound, as in ant and hand.
It has a short A sound, as in band, hand, and land.
The A has a short A sound, as in ant and hand.