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Q: When is pressure deliberately reduced?
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what happens to a gas as pressure is reduced?

As pressure is reduced, the volume of the gas will increase. This is described by Boyle's Law, which states that pressure and volume are inversely proportional. Therefore, as pressure decreases, the gas molecules have more space to move around, causing the gas to expand.

What is reduced pressure steam?

Steam that was reduced in pressure from that at which it was generated in the boiler. Reducing the steam pressure can be accomplished by running it through a turbine or engine, a reducing valve or a regulator. Reduced pressure steam is often used for auxiliary equipment or heating systems after the primary process has been supplied steam at the generated pressure.

Why Glycerin is distilled at reduced pressure?

glycerin is distilled at reduced pressure because it has boiling point of 290 degree celsius under atmospheric pressure it slightly decomposes but under reduced pressure it distills unchanged

What happens to gas when pressure is applied to it?

the pressure and the temperature increases, and the volume is reduced.

If the pressure of a gas in a container is 10psi what will the pressure be in the volume of the container is reduced to one-half of its original size?

If the volume of the container is reduced to one-half of its original size, the pressure will increase proportionally according to Boyle's Law. So if the original pressure was 10 psi, then the new pressure would be 20 psi when the volume is reduced by half.

Why oxygen can not be liquefied at room temperature?

because both reduced temperature and reduced pressure are necessary for liquification of any room temp if you achieve the corresponding reduced pressure even then the reduced temperature condition is not it can not be liquified...univristy of engineering and technology Lahore

What is regelation?

Regelation refers to melting under pressure as well as freezing under reduced pressure.

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What is compressible fluids?

A fluid which is reduced in volume by an increase in pressure.

Is a fluid compressable?

A fluid which is reduced in volume by an increase in pressure.

Why do balloon burst when pressure is reduced?

Balloons burst when pressure is reduced because the gas inside the balloon expands as the external pressure decreases. This causes the tension in the balloon's surface to exceed its limit, leading to a rupture.

2 ways how the risk of developing a pressure sore can be reduced?

It can be reduced by regular position change and eating a healthy diet.