

When is sinx equals 0?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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11y ago

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sin x = 0 at 0 degrees and 180 degrees and 360 degrees and all angles expressed in terms of n times pi in radians when n is any integer

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Q: When is sinx equals 0?
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== == Cos2x - 1 = [1 - 2sin2 x] - 1 = - 2sin2 x; so [Cos2x - 1] / x = -2 [sinx] [sinx / x] As x approaches 0, sinx / x app 1 while 2 sinx app 0; hence the limit is 0.


Sinx = 0 CosX= -1/2

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If you mean 1 - sinx = 0 then sinx = 1 (sin-1) x = 90

Cos x plus sin x equals 0?

cosx + sinx = 0 when sinx = -cosx. By dividing both sides by cosx you get: sinx/cosx = -1 tanx = -1 The values where tanx = -1 are 3pi/4, 7pi/4, etc. Those are equivalent to 135 degrees, 315 degrees, etc.

How would you find x when 0 equals 2sinxcosx-cosx?

2sinxcosx-cosx=0 Factored : cosx(2sinx-1)=0 2 solutions: cosx=0 or sinx=.5 For cosx=0, x=90 or 270 degrees For sinx=.5, x=30 degrees x = {30, 90, 270}

When does cosx times sinx times sinx equal 1?

at the angles 0 and 360 degrees, or 0 and 2pi

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