

When is zero a divisor?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: When is zero a divisor?
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What isThe divisor of a fraction?

Any non-zero number can be the divisor of a fraction.

Why can you divide 0 by 3 but not 3 by 0?

Division can be thought of as the opposite of multiplication: 0 ÷ 3 is the same as saying "what number when multiplied by 3 results in 0"; answer: 0. 3 ÷ 0 is the same as saying "what number when multiplied by 0 results in 3"; no number when multiplied by 0 results in 3 (as 0 times anything is 0), thus it can't be done. Alternatively, division tells you how many times you need to, or can, subtract the divisor from the dividend to get to zero. If you start with a dividend of zero and a non-zero divisor, you don't need to, nor can you, subtract the divisor to get to zero. If you start with a non-zero dividend, and a zero divisor, no matter how many times you subtract the divisor you will never get to zero - the dividend stays the same. With a zero dividend and a zero divisor, you have reached zero when you start, BUT you can subtract the divisor and the dividend will then become (stay) zero; thus zero divided by zero is any number you want - in calculus there are rules which specify the value to use in different circumstances.

What does A quotient undefined?

A quotient is undefined if the divisor is zero.

Which is the maths method that zero is not used?

Zero is not used as the divisor when dividing with the process of division.

How many possible remainders are there if 4 is the divisor?

Only 3 non-zero remainders.1, 2, and 3 are the only possible non-zero remainders since any number greater than or equal to the divisor could also be divided, to result in a new quotient. A remainder of zero, means that the dividend is divisible by the divisor (the divisor is a factor of the number)

When a zero is divided by a non integer the quotient is?

Zero, unless the divisor is 0 in whichcase the quotient is not defined.

Why is 0 not a factor of any whole number?

For zero to be a factor of a number, there would have to be another factor paired with it. Since zero times anything is zero, you will never be able to multiply zero with anything to get any number other than zero.

What is a quotient of two integers where the divisor is never zero?

It is a rational number.

What does it mean to have a non example of divisor?

A non-example of divisor ring of integers, a division ring or a nonzero commutative ring that has no zero divisors except 0.

What if the remainder is equal to or greater than the divisor what should you do?

Your quotient that you arrived at is too small. Increase the answer for the quotient, so that the remainder is from zero to (divisor minus one)

When do you use a placeholder zero in the quotient?

When you're quotient is in the hundredths place or more or when you're dividend or divisor has a placeholder zero as well.

Irrational numbers can not be written in form?

Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as the division of two integers where the divisor is not zero. Irrational numbers are numbers that are not rational.Irrational numbers, therefore, are numbers that can notbe written as the division of two integers where the divisor is not zero.