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Q: What number that cannot be used as divisor?
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Is 18 a 6 divisor of why or why not?

No. A divisor cannot be bigger than the number that it is meant to divide.

What is the number used to divide another number?

It is the divisor.

Is 4 divisible by 518?

No - a number cannot be smaller than its divisor.

What number used to divide is called the?


A divisor of a number?

a divisor of a number

What is the number called that is being used to divide?

The divisor

What is the greartest common divisor of 231?

A single number cannot have a greatest common divisor because "common" refers to divisors that two or more numbers have in common. You have only one number.

What is the Greatest Common Divisor of 28?

You need at least two numbers to find a GCF.

What is the number that divided the dividend?

a divisor

What number is a divisor of every number?

1 is a divisor of every number.

What is the difference between a divisor and dividend?

Divisor: the number by which a dividend is divided Dividend: a number to be divided

What is the of definition divisor?

A divisor is number that are divisabel by any number