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Q: When it is necessary to place parenthesis in an expression we sometimes say?
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After the parenthesis, ie: Jane (a timid girl) walked slowly to school. or Jane walked slowly to school (a big high school). when it is the last part of the sentence you place it inside Jane walked slowly to school (a big school.)

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To use the "Come Back to my Place" expression, you must target the person of your choosing and open your expression menu. Then go to the "Flirt" section and choose "Come Back to my Place" expression.

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he goes to anothar place but thier love will be carried with both of them

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Genetic change is necessary for natural selection to take place

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(3 + 5) x (6 - 3)

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"Took place" is the past tense of "take place." It means "to occur."

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Yes, it's easy:Old: while (expression)statementNew: for (; expression;)statement

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