Measuring Digits are TWELVE (inches) in the British System and HUNDRED (centimetres) in the Metric System
Pi is infinite. The current number of digits calculated is over ten-trillion. If you want to find a pretty good estimate, divide 22 by 7.
You can estimate by measuring fundal height and using Naegel's rule or have an ultrasound to detect age of pregnancy.
6 digits
Infinity is not a number, but a concept representing something that is unbounded or limitless. As such, it does not have a specific number of digits. In mathematics, infinity is often used to describe a quantity that is larger than any finite number. Therefore, infinity cannot be quantified in terms of digits.
Some possible sources of lab error. 1. Not preciously measuring. 2 Air pressure (not being at STP). 3 Not all liquid evaporating when measuring a solid. 4 How many significant digits are used and when rounded
12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.
A quadrillion has 16 digits.
Seven digits.
6 digits