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You only get a smaller decimal if you do 0. something because your multiplying it by 0! oust like with the whole numbers, if you times something by 0 it gets smaller. only with a decimal, there's are still numbers less than the 0 so it gets smaller and smaller until you have a total of 0!

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Q: When multiplying a decimal by a decimal why do you get a smaller decimal?
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Why do you get a smaller number when multiplying a decimal?


Why does the answer get smaller when multiplying decimals less than 1?

When multiplying decimals less than 1, the answer gets smaller because each decimal is less than 1. Multiplying a number by a value less than 1 will always result in a smaller product. Think of it as taking a fraction or a portion of the number, which will inevitably make the product smaller.

What does decrease decimal mean?

It could mean reduce the value of a decimal - perhaps by subtracting something or multiplying by a number smaller than 1.

How is multiplying two decimal like multiplying a whole number and decimal?

Multiplying 6.7 and 5.5 is the same as multiplying 0.67 and 55, or 67 and 0.55.

What is the difference between multiplying and dividing?

when multiplying the numbers increase unless it is multiplied by a decimal, it will then decrease. when dividing the numbers are divided (splitted) therefor it decreases unless it is divided by a decimal, it will then increase. Decrease means 'gets smaller or less' Increase means 'getting bigger or more'

How is multiplying a decimal by a whole number the same as multiplying 2 whole numbers?

It is not. When multiplying two whole numbers you need not be concerned about placing the decimal point in the answer.

Why does multiplying numbers by ten move the decimal point to the right?

why does multiplying numbers by ten move the decimal point to the right

Why can you multiply two decimal numbers together and get an answer less than either one of the numbers you multiplied?

For the same reason that you can multiply two proper fractions and get a smaller number than either of them. You are multiplying either decimal by a number that is smaller than 1. As a result you get an answer that is smaller than 1 times the first number.

Do you move decimal points over when multiplying?

Yes. You first multiply, then however many decimal places you were multiplying, you move over.

How is multiplying two decimals like multiplying a whole number and a decimal?

There is almost no difference. The only difference is placing the decimal point.

Why does multiplying numbers by 10 move the decimal to the right but multiplying numbers By .10 you move the decimal to the left?

0.10 = 1/10 so that multiplying by 0.10 is the same as dividing by 10.

How is multiplying by a decimal by 100 similar to multiplying a whole number by 100 How is it different?