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Q: When naming polygons you can start with and then use all the vertex levels in order?
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When naming polygons you can start with any and then use all the vertex labels in order.?

vertex* * * * *Yes.

When naming polygons you can start with any then use all the vertex labels in order?

vertex* * * * *Yes.

What describes a semi regular tessellation?

A semi-regular tessellation is covering a plane surface with two or more different regular polygons, all of which have sides of the same length. In addition, each polygon vertex is surrounded by polygons in the same order.

What describes a semi-regular tessellation?

A semi-regular tessellation is covering a plane surface with two or more different regular polygons, all of which have sides of the same length. In addition, each polygon vertex is surrounded by polygons in the same order.

How many different types of semiregular tessellations are there?

There are eight different types of semiregular tessellations. Also called Archimedean tessellations, they occur when two or more convex regular polygons form tessellations of the plane in a way each polygon vertex is surrounded by the same polygons and in the same order.

What is the difference in a regular and semi-regular tessellation?

A regular tessellation is based on multiple copies of the same regular polygon. A semi-regular tessellation uses copies of two (or more) regular polygons. In the latter case, at each vertex the various polygons are arrayed in the same order (or its mirror image).

What is the least number of equilateral triangles that can come together at each vertex to form a solid?

Four, in order to form a tetrahedron; this is alos the simplest possible 3-dimensional object constructed of regular polygons.

What should a shape have in order to be a polygon?

Polygons are shapes with three sides or more. Circular shapes are NOT polygons.

Why will a equilateral triangle tessellate?

Each angle in an equilateral triangle is 60 degrees. In order to create a regular tessellation of an area, we need for the angles of the polygons we are putting near each other to sum to 360 degrees. If you place six equilateral triangles so that all of them share a vertex, and each triangle is adjacent to two others, you get 60*6 = 360 degrees in that vertex. Please see related link for a demo of a triangular tessellation.

When naming a triangle does it matter what order the points go in?

yes, it does

In order to have a polygon how many line segments can meet at each vertex?


How rhombus has order two rotational symmetry?

When a rhombus is rotated through 180 degrees, the bottom left vertex and the top right vertex will change places as will the other two vertices.