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Q: When person using a prosthetic device can easily overheat on a hot vehicle true of false?
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What is a periaktoid?

It's a device used for displaying scenes in theater. They are usually tall, with three rectangular sides, and they are set on wheels to be easily rotated for quick scene changes.

What does the serial numbers on paper money mean?

the serial numbers on paper money are used as a tracking device and help prevent fake money from being made and passed off easily as the real thing

What is the importance of isolation technique?

Answermaybe for us to easily isolate. Adding to the above...Isolation typically means isolating two parts of a device both physically and electrically.Isolation is mainly required for the following:* for safety pursoses. you wouldn't want to mess with live wires, would you? :)* To protect your device circuitry.* To avoid ground loops* to reject common mode - improve CMRR

A mathematical process of coding information so that only the intended user can read it?

It's called encryption. The reverse process is called decryption, and the whole process works because only the intended user has the information (called a "key") or the device that is needed to perform the decryption. The key must be something that can't be guessed or "cracked" using "brute force" (trying lots of keys). so it's usually a long random-looking string of characters an/or digits. If decryption is done using a device, the device must not be easily duplicated, and will probably have to be closely guarded by its owner.

Is One hundred twenty eight thousand miles high mileage for a 2007 Volkswagen Beetle?

It is a bit high - assuming the vehicle was driven every day for 5 years, that's approximately 70 miles a day of travel. But the raw number of miles isn't nearly as important as the care taken during a vehicle's life. If the owner kept up with scheduled maintenance, never got in an accident, and didn't strain the engine, then a vehicle with high mileage will easily perform better than one with lower mileage that's seen some abuse. Get a report of the vehicle history rather than relying on the odometer.

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What is Prosthetic wax?

Prosthetic wax is a material used in dentistry to create custom prosthetic appliances, such as crowns or dentures. It is a pliable wax that can be easily molded and shaped before being cast into a final dental restoration.

Can a thermostat stall a truck?

A thermostat cannot stall a vehicle directly. If your thermostat fails and will not open properly your vehicle will likely overheat. Overheating can do some very serious damage to your engine and the damage from the overheat can definitely disable the engine. Costly repairs or possibly replacement of the entire could be the result of a severe overheat. So, while your thermostat cannot directly stall your vehicle it may cause an overheat that could verywell stall your vehicle. That said, there are many cars today whose computers will deliberately limit the engines performance in the case of an overheat to help warn you of the problem, and give you time to get off the road before serious damage occurs. I am not aware that any manufacturers actually want the computer to shut the car down entirely upon an overheat as that could easily leave you stranded in traffic lanes. If someone knows different, perhaps they will answer.

What are the benefits of purchasing a handheld gps?

The benefits of purchasing a handheld GPS system are that it makes the device very portable, and it can be moved from vehicle to vehicle easily. It can also be carried from place to place without taking up much space.

Do Wii consoles overheat like the Xbox and Playstation?

The answer to this question is yes, Wii consoles overheat too. The overheating problem can be easily solved by buying a USB-power cooling fan and this will prevent it form ruining the fun!

Can a bad power supply cause a CPU to overheat?

Yes, if your fan stops working because your power supply went bad, the CPU could overheat very easily and shut down or even crash resulting in loss of data.

A disc lock is a security device for what kinds of vehicles?

A disc lock is a security device for the kinds of vehicles that are easily stolen by not having a disc lock installed. Thus, one should always have a disc lock installed so as to avoid being stolen or jacked depending on the vehicle one is using.

Will it hurt a chinchilla if you put it in a rolling ball?

You should Never put a chinchilla in a rolling ball, They would easily overheat and have a heatstroke and die

Can a pug live in high humidity?

No, they cannot. Pugs are very sensitive to heat and high humidity; they can overheat very easily and very quickly.

I need help with my wireless router. can anyone help?

Well, I would recommend turning off your wireless router for a moment if the wireless adapter tends to overheat often. It would be recommended to restart the router after turning it off to ensure it won't overheat as easily.

What industries grew on telephone?

Anyone that was in need of a device to contact easily

What is mechanical device that helps do work more easily?

simple machine

What is a UMDNS code?

It is a code for universal medical device recognition, with the code, we can know it easily for the category of any medical device globally.