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Q: When radiant heat strikes a surface there are three different possible outcomes?
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What does three strikes scenario mean?

"Three strikes" is a baseball reference ( "Three strikes and you're out"). It means that the punishment for a third offense will be considerably harsher than for a first or second. A scenario - in this context - means a discussion of possible situations and probable outcomes.

What were the two union strikes and what were their outcomes?

There have been many union strikes in our history. To answer this question you need to give dates and/or company. As it is written we can't answer it.

Does radiant energy produce heat energy when it strikes matter?

To the extent to which the energy is absorbed, yes. Reflectivity and color determine how much energy is absorbed, but no matter can reflect 100% of the energy striking it. Some will be absorbed by the molecules.

How many different types of lighting strikes are there?

There are three main types of lightning strikes: cloud-to-ground strikes, intra-cloud strikes, and cloud-to-cloud strikes. Cloud-to-ground strikes are the most common and well-known type, where lightning extends from the cloud to the ground. Intra-cloud strikes occur within the cloud itself, and cloud-to-cloud strikes happen between different clouds.

What energy transformation takes place when sunlight strikes a house?

When sunlight strikes a house, the energy transformation that takes place is from radiant energy (sunlight) to thermal energy (heat). The house absorbs the sunlight, which then gets converted into heat energy, warming up the interior.

Is lightning a radiant energy?

Yes, lightning does involve radiant energy in the form of light and heat. When lightning strikes, it produces a visible flash of light and releases thermal energy in the form of heat, making it a type of radiant energy.

Radiant energy produces heat energy when it strikes matter?

Yes, when radiant energy strikes matter, it can be absorbed by the material, causing its atoms and molecules to vibrate and generate heat energy. This process is known as thermal radiation, and it is how heat from the sun warms the Earth's surface.

What did the homestead strike show?

The government usually sided with business owners

Why is black material becomes hotter in sunny days than white?

Black absorbs much of the radiant energy (heat) that strikes it, while white reflects much of it back allowing it to stay cooler.

What is the most consecutive strikes made in bowling?

the most possible in one game is 12. in a series: 36

What happens to light as it strikes different materials?

When light strikes a material, it can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected, or refracted. The behavior of light depends on the properties of the material it encounters, such as its transparency, reflectivity, and refractive index.

What was the transportation in Empire Strikes Back?

Okay, first of all, there was a lot of different transportation in The Empire Strikes Back. So you need to be more specific next time