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Q: When rational decision maker takes an action?
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What is the definition of adverbs of frequency?

They are words that modify the verb and indicate how often an action takes place.

Can you make an operator that takes any given irrational number and maps it onto the rationals?

Of course not.Number if irrational numbers is larger than number of rational numbers.To be more exact: There is no one-to-one mapping of set of rational numbersto the set of irrational numbers. If there would be such a mapping, their cardinality(see Cardinality ) would be same.In reality, rational numbers are countable (cardinality alef0)real numbers, as well as irrational numbers are not countable (cardinality alef1).These are topics

Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Techniques in Planning and Decision Making?

One advantage of quantitative techniques in planning is the ability to have better information. A disadvantage is the fact that the process takes too long.

How can you tell if adding two rational numbers with different is a positive negative or zero?

Consider the absolute values (the numerical values ignoring the signs) of the two numbers. If these are equal then the sum is equal; otherwise the sum takes the sign of which ever number has the larger absolute value.

Is yearly an adverb?

Yes, in some situations such as: "The cost is adjusted yearly for inflation." Adverbs are words describing how, when, where, or why an action takes place. If yearly describes when something happens, it is an adverb. (see above) If yearly is describing a noun, it is an adjective. (such as "I have a yearly checkup.")

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A rational decisionmaker takes an action if and only if?

the marginal benefit of that action exceeds the marginal cost of that action.

What is rational knowledge based on?

Rational knowledge is based on both experience and cognition. A rational person takes all relevant information into consideration when making a decision.

What is act of human?

ACT, HUMAN (Latin actus humanus)-a human action, an act of decision, whose source is in rational knowledge and free will. The human act is not limited to the cognitive action of the intellect, nor is it manifested chiefly in theoretical knowledge, but it takes in practical cognition (acts of decision) and "poetic" cognition, namely creative and artistic cognition. Human action originates in man as a rational and free being. The human act differs from an "act of man", in which something happens independently of man's will

How long does a drip coffee maker take?

i depends on the maker mine takes 5 minutes.

What is the name of someone who takes care of Carmel?

a candy maker

When was Lewis Takes Action created?

Lewis Takes Action was created on 2010-01-05.

Can you make a secret level in game maker?

YesI presume you are using the action Next Room. Instead of that, use the action Different Room. This takes you to the room you select. So, lets say when you collide with the secret door, you just write that action. Or lets say that if the score is higher than 100, you go to the secret room...Simples!

What action takes the most muscle in the face?

The frowning action.

What you call a house maker?

A house maker is someone who stays at home and takes care of things there like cooking dinner and cleaning the house.

Is 1.4 rational or irrational?

Any number which can be written exactly with a limited set of figures is "rational". Numbers which cannot be written with a limited set, because the decimal number goes on for ever is "irrational". So 1.4 is rational because it takes only 2 figures to write its value exactly.

Who takes Make-Or-Buy Decision?

based on the value and quantity the decision taken by purchase head /Management

Is takes an action verb?

Yes it is