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Q: When reading an article on how to do something you should find the sequence of steps?
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cause you should

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Something which interests you

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Before reading the article on herb healers, the reader should ask themselves what specific information or insights they hope to gain from the article. This will help them stay focused and actively engage with the content to extract the most value from it.

Mark just finished reading a long newspaper article. He says to himself The main point of the article is that people should use less energy. Which reading strategy is Mark using?

Mark is using summarization as a reading strategy by identifying and condensing the main idea of the newspaper article into a brief statement.

Which of these should be easy to believe about terse?

something that is plausible. (apex reading/english) :)

What is the firing sequence for a 2001 Pontiac Montana?

This should be in your manual. I think I remember reading it was 1-2-3-4-5-6.

When reading science article why you should you look for the author's biases?

Because if you look for that author you can learn more things that you don't now

Something you should not do if you want to increase the likelihood of getting your opinion piece published?

If a person is trying not to get opinion article published, the person should not write about topics that are not approved by their boss. the person should also not use profanity in their article.

When reading detailed directions a reader should?

pay attention to key steps, follow the sequence of instructions, and refer back to any unclear points for clarification.

Why is reading and writing English taught together?

In some cases it is believed that learning how to write can help you understand reading and literature better. If you know the mechanics of how something is written then it should make it easier to understand something you read. And when reading something, you are reading what someone else has written. So when you write, you are writing for the purpose that someone else is going to read it.

What is explanatory exposition?

An expository writing explains something in great detail. After reading an expository, the reader should have learned something new about the topic.

What is a good reading harbit?

Good reading is something that children pick up from behavior modeled by adults. Reading to children and children seeing adults read lead to higher reading outcomes. An elementary school child should read for twenty minutes a night.