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It depends on how fast you run.

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Q: When running how many minutes are in a mile?
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How many minutes would it take to run a mile?

Depends on who are what is running.

How many minute mile running a four hour marathon?

9.154 minutes per mile (rounded)

How many minutes are in a mile?

The number of minutes in a mile will vary depending on your pace while running or walking. On average, it takes most people around 12-15 minutes to walk a mile, while running a mile typically takes 7-10 minutes.

How fast do you have to run to do a mile in 9 minutes?

Running one mile in nine minutes is running at 6.66 miles per hour.

If a runer runs a mile in 9 minutes how fast were they running MPH?

The runner would be running at 6.67 miles per hour. This is answered by dividing 60 (minutes in an hour) by 9 (minutes it took for one mile). You are basically saying that the runner will run a mile every 9 minutes, so how many '9 minutes' (each mile ran) are in an hour.

Does thinking for 8 minutes burn as many calories as running a mile?

No, it does not. If only it were so easy.

How fast are you running if you do 1 mile in 2 minutes?

you would be running 120mph

How many minutes in a mile while running?

That cannot be properly answered unless you specify how fast you are moving.

How many miles an hour do you average to run a four minute mile?

Running a mile in exactly 4 minutes equates to a speed of 15 MPH.

How is running pace measured?

mph or minutes per mile

When running at top speed pigs can cover a mile in how minutes?

Pigs can run up to 11 miles per hour, which would allow them to cover a mile in around 5-6 minutes.

If you run 1 mile in 11 minutes how many miles per hour are you running?

About 5.5 miles per hour.