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Q: When stretched out what area would your lungs cover?
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How many surface area do your lungs take up?

If you unfolded all the folds and branches in your lungs, the area it would cover would equal about one half of a tennis court.

How much area would your lungs cover if opened up?

________________________________________________________________ that depends on the size of the lung, as it is a little different in each person

What is area of book cover?

The area of a book cover would depend on the dimensions of the cover. To find the area, you would multiply the length by the width of the book cover. Formula for area of a rectangle is length x width.

The grape-like clusters of air sacs within the lungs are the?

There are about 300 million alveoli in each of your lungs. These tiny air sacs provide an ideal site for the diffusion of gases into and out of the blood – also known as gaseous exchange.The alveoli have a very large surface area – in fact if all of the alveoli in your lungs were spread out flat they would cover the area of a tennis court.

What is it called when a sound wave is stretched out?

When a sound wave is stretched out, it is called "lower frequency" or "lower pitch." This means the distance between wave crests becomes longer, resulting in a deeper, lower-sounding tone.

What metric unit would you use to find the area of a book cover?

To find the area of a book cover in metric units, the most appropriate unit to use would be centimeters. The formula for finding the area of a book cover would be: length x width.

What would the surface area of all the alveoli in the lungs be in square meters?


How much does human lungs weigh?

I'm not to sure on how much the air inside your lung weighs but what I do know is this... Together, the two lungs contain about 2500 km of airways and, if stretched out, have a total surface area of 70 m2 which is roughly the same area as a tennis court. On top of that, if all the capillaries surrounding the alveoli were stretched out end to end, they would extend up to 992 km. Each of your lungs weigh about 2.5 pounds, which makes them together weigh roughly 5 pounds. I really hope this helps! ;)

Would you measure a pool cover in perimeters or area?


What metric unit would you measure the area of a book cover?


Can the area of an object be changed?

Yes. Objects can be stretched and compressed.

Why is it better that the lungs are spongy rather than empty like a balloon?

The spongy texture of the lungs provides a large surface area for gas exchange, allowing more oxygen to enter the bloodstream and more carbon dioxide to be expelled. If the lungs were empty like a balloon, they would have a smaller surface area and would not be as effective in exchanging gases.