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Q: What would the surface area of all the alveoli in the lungs be in square meters?
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Do lungs have a large exposed surface area?

Your lungs have very large surface area. About 100 square meters or 1100 square feet.

Why don't alveoli explode?

There are about 300 million of them, covering a total area of 70 to 90 square meters of surface within the lungs. There are plenty of them to share the work and to share and spread the pulmonary pressures involved.

What cause the difference in the amount of air you inhale and exhale?

Lungs alveoli has very large surface area, about 100 square meters. So air is fully saturated with water vapor and so it is more in amount.

What is tiny sacs within the lungs which increases the respiratory surface?

The alveoli in the lungs.

Tiny sacs within the lungs which increases the respiratory surface?


What organ does oxygen pass from into the capillaries?

I believe its the alveoli in the lungs. These alveoli provide a large surface area for gaseous exchange.

What provide the greatest surface area for gas exchange?

Alveoli in the lungs provide the greatest surface area for gas exchange in the body. They are tiny air sacs that are surrounded by capillaries where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged during respiration. The numerous alveoli increase the total surface area available for this gas exchange process.

Where in the lungs does gas exchange happen?

AlveoliGaseous exchange takes place in the alveoli of the lung

How large is the area available for gas exchange in the alveoli?

In an average adult with healthy lungs we find approximately 300 million alveoli with a total surface area approaching 150 meters square, or the size of a tennis court.70m2The edzact size of a tennis court xxxTypically between 50 and 100 square meters160 meters squared.

Tiny sac within the lungs which increases the respiratory surface?

Alveolar sac and alveoli

How do the structures of the alveoli and capillaries support the function of gas exchange?

Alveoli are found within the lungs. The alveoli act as a specialised gaseous exchange surface in mammals. Another function of alveoli is the production of surfactant.

How does the reduced number of alveoli affect the xchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide?

the coughing causes the walls of some of the alveoli in the lungs to burst. when this happens the surface area of the lungs in contact with the air is reduced.