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Positive correlation

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Q: When the data points on a graph tend to go up as they go to the right there is between the two variables?
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What mathematical relationship between variables is suggested by a graph showing a diagonal line from the lower left to the upper right the graph?


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What is definition of graph?

A diagram showing the relation between variable quantities, typically of two variables, each measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles.

When the points on a graph tend to go downward from left to right you say they indicate what?

They mean the graph/function is decreasing.

What is an inversely proportional graph?

An inversely proportional graph is one where the relationship between two variables is such that as one variable increases, the other variable decreases at a constant rate. This relationship is usually represented by a curve that slopes downwards from left to right.

When the points on a graph tend to go upward from left to right we say they indicate?

They indicate a rise in whatever it is that the graph is measuring.

What is the scientific definition of graph?

In science, a graph is a visual representation of data points, typically shown as nodes connected by edges. It is used to illustrate relationships, connections, or patterns in data. Graphs are commonly used in fields such as mathematics, computer science, and social sciences.

When the points on a graph tend to go upward from left to right thay indicate?

a positive correlation

When the points on a graph tend to go upward from left to right you say they indicate?

a positive correlation

How do you draw a smooth curvet through the points of a line graph?

because you have to show your work and make shore its right

Do you read a graph left to right or right to left?

Graphs are typically read from left to right, as this is the direction in which the independent variable (usually time or data points) is increasing. Reading from right to left would be the opposite direction and may not align with the intended interpretation of the data on the graph.