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They indicate a rise in whatever it is that the graph is measuring.
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Q: When the points on a graph tend to go upward from left to right we say they indicate?
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When the points on a graph tend to go upward from left to right thay indicate?

a positive correlation

When the points on a graph tend to go upward from left to right you say they indicate?

a positive correlation

When the points on a graph tend to go downward from left to right you say they indicate what?

They mean the graph/function is decreasing.

When the points on a graph tend to go downward from left to right you say that they indicate?

A negative slope. a decrease, a fall, etc.

Which graph shows a positive correlation between x and y?

Any graph where, from left to right, the slope goes upward (assuming the axes are labelled in the standard way).

Suppose the y-values increase as the x-values increase. how does this indicate in a graph?

The curve representing the graph of y against x goes down as you move to the right.

How do you draw a smooth curvet through the points of a line graph?

because you have to show your work and make shore its right

When the data points on a graph tend to go up as they go to the right there is between the two variables?

Positive correlation

Do you read a graph left to right or right to left?

Graphs are typically read from left to right, as this is the direction in which the independent variable (usually time or data points) is increasing. Reading from right to left would be the opposite direction and may not align with the intended interpretation of the data on the graph.

What word best describes the trend on a line graph when the line connecting the points falls from right to left?

A negative correlation.

What word best describes the trend on a line graph when the line connecting the points falls from left to right?

A negative correlation.

For an object that is accelerating by speeding up what does the displacement vs time graph look like?

It is a curve increasing in slope, upward to the right.