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Q: When the hour hand is between 1 and 2 o'clock what will the minute hand be between?
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What time is it when the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock are at right angles?

nine oclock and six oclock

What is the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock at half past two?

If we simply imagine the minute hand is on the 6, and the hour hand is on the two, there will be a total of 120 degrees between the minute and the hour hand, 1/3 of the clock is covered between the two hands. However, it is not that simple. Because 30 minutes has travelled, the hour hand will be half way between the 2 and the 3. We know that every hour, the hour hand moves 30 degrees (360 / 12 hours = 30). Therefore, in 30 minutes, it will have travelled 15 degrees. Which means the hour hand is 15 degrees closer to the minute hand. Therefore, the actual angle between the minute and hour hand is actually 105 degrees.

What is the angle between minute hand and hour hand at 735?

Every minute is six degrees. At 7:30, the hour hand has moved halfway between the 7 and 8. Call it 15 degrees.

What time between 2 and 3 o' clock do the minute hand and the hour hand is on 7 Explain?

The minute hand will be at 12 and the hour hand will be at 2. Between 2 and 3 o'clock, the minute hand moves faster, so it will reach the 7 position first, while the hour hand will still be approaching the 2 position.

What is the angle between hour hand and minute hand at 4 pm?

20 degrees

What is the angle between the minute hand and hour hand at quarter past two?

22.5 degrees

What did the hour hand say to the minute hand?

see you in an hour. Of course it takes more than an hour for the hour hand (the "BIG" hand) and the minute hand (the "LITTLE" hand) to line up but it does happen once each hour. Keep in mind, the hour hand is known as the BIG hand because an hour is bigger than a minute, which is indicated by the LITTLE hand.

How do you show half past 4?

The hour hand between 4 and 5. The minute hand at 6.

How many times the minute hand cross the hour hand between 2 AM to 2 PM?


How do you show half-past 8?

The hour hand between 8 and 9. The minute hand at 6.

How many times do the hour and the minute hands cross in a 12 hour period of time?

eleven times If you start at 12:05, the minute hand passes the hour hand once between 1:00 and 2:00, once between 2:00 and 3:00, and so on through the 10:00 hour. After 10:54, the next time the minute hand passes the hour hand is 12:00.

What is the time when the minute hand is at 9 and the hour hand is between 10 and 11?

Then it is a quarter to 11. Or 10:45.