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Q: When the pointer is positioned on a it is shaped like a hand?
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What do they use to touch the Torah and what is its Hebrew name?

When reading the torah, a silver pointer is traditionally used, called a yad (prounounced YAHD). Yad means hand, and the tip of the pointer is shaped like a human hand pointing.

What is the name and meaning of the Jewish pointer for the scroll?

It is called a 'Yad' meaning Hand as they are often shaped like one and used as a hand to point.

Why does the pointer look like a large hand on some links and like a small hand on others?

When a pointer has a large hand, it is a link that opens another window, if a small hand, same window.

What do you use to point at the Torah with?

The Torah is very delicate. It is written on parchment which can be damaged by too much oil. Our hands are very oily. So to protect the Torah, we use a yad. A yad is a pointer, often shaped like a hand. Yad means hand.

Is a pressure-sensitive pointing device shaped like a pencil eraser that is positioned between keys on a keyboard?

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Is there a ring setting that looks like a woman's hand?

Yes there is. the hand is about 1 inch and pointer finger is directly over knuckle with a small diamond

How do you say i like your name in sign language?

I: Have your right hand clenched into an easy fist, with your pinking sticking out. Place the front of your hand (where your curled thumb and pointer finger are) on your chest. At the same time, your pinky finger should be pointing at your chin. Like: Place your right hand, which is flat, close to your chest. Make it look like you're grabbing your shirt with your middle finger and thumb, but don't actually pull your shirt. And pull your hand away from your chest, with your middle finger and thumb together. Your: Point to the person you're talking to with your pointer finger. Name: Take both of your hands, have your pointer finger next to the middle finger pointing them straight out. Your other fingers will be curled into your palm. (Picture this as your hand is clenched in a fist, with your two pointer fingers and middle fingers pointed out, together.) Then, turn your hands sideways and tap the side of your right middle finger on top of the side of your left pointer finger.

What are the needs of the pointer?

Pointer needs freedom and happiness, like everyone else.

What is the definition of djembe?

It is a hand drum shaped like a large goblet and is meant to be played with bare hands.

What is an i-beam pointer?

The phrase "I-beam" describes the shape of the pointer in Word. The pointer looks like a capital i -- I -- with a line across the top and bottom

Why does array index start with zero in C language?

Because of pointers and that all arrays are really pointers. A pointer something like *pointer can also be written as pointer[0] and *(pointer + 1) can also be written as pointer[1]