There are several parts to a division problem. It is easy to see them with this example. 16 divided by 3 is 5 with a remainder of 1. The number 16 is the dividend and 3 is the divisor. The 5 is the quotient and the 1 is the remainder. To see that the answer of a division problem such as this is correct, just multiply. The divisor multiplied by the quotient plus the remainder is the dividend. So 3x5+1=16 as desired. Of course sometimes you have a problem like 8 divided by 2=4. In this case 8 is the dividend and 2 is the divisor. The number 4 is the quotient. The difference here is there is no remainder.
It means that there is no remainder in the problem. For example 9/3=3. The nine is the dividend, and the first three is the divisor. There was no remainder, so it divided evenly.
Dividend: 6x^3 +29^2 -40x -42 Divisor: 6x +5 Quotient: x^2 +4x -10 Remainder: 8
Sorry, do you really need help to divide 456 by 3? 152.
Yes. The remainder cannot be more that the divisor but there is no issue with it being greater than the quotient. For example, if you divide 5 by 3, 5/3 = 1 and remainder 2 (out of 3) So you get quotient = 1, remainder = 2.
Dividend if the number that you divide, divisor is the number that you divide dividend into, and quotient is the number that you get from dividing dividend into divisor. For example, in 12/3=4, 12 is the dividend, 3 is the divisor, and 4 is the quotient.
Quotient = Dividend / Divisor Quotient is the answer to the equation (3 = 6 / 2, the quotient is 3). Dividend is what you are dividing (3 = 6 / 2, the dividend is 6). Divior is what you are dividing by (3 = 6 / 2, the divisor is 2). If division equation is changed to 3 = 7 / 2, we have a remainder of 1 left from the dividend.
The quotient. In the problem 7 / 2 = 3 (+1) The 7 is the "dividend"; the 2 is the "divisor": the 3 is the "quotient" and the 1 is the "remainder".
If the dividend is 18 and the divisor is 1.5 What is the quotient
Divisor=Divided÷Quotient Divisor=12÷4 Divisor= 3
in 12 divided by 3=4 12 is the dividend and 3 is the divisor and 4 is the quotient
Quotient is the result of a divisor dividing a dividend. For example 3 divide by 2 is 0.666... 3 is the divisor, 2 is a dividend and 0 is the quotient, as for the recurring 6's they are the remainder.
There are several parts to a division problem. It is easy to see them with this example. 16 divided by 3 is 5 with a remainder of 1. The number 16 is the dividend and 3 is the divisor. The 5 is the quotient and the 1 is the remainder. To see that the answer of a division problem such as this is correct, just multiply. The divisor multiplied by the quotient plus the remainder is the dividend. So 3x5+1=16 as desired. Of course sometimes you have a problem like 8 divided by 2=4. In this case 8 is the dividend and 2 is the divisor. The number 4 is the quotient. The difference here is there is no remainder.
There are four parts to a division equation:1. Dividend (number being divided up into groups)2. Divisor (how manygroups the dividend is bring broken into)3.Quotient (how many in each group from the dividend)4. Remainder (the leftover that is lessthan the divisor)Another way to locate them in an expression using the little division house:Dividend is inside the house. Divisor is outside at the door. Quotient is on top of the house and the Remainder are close by their friends, the quotient.divisor and dividend and quosient
It means that there is no remainder in the problem. For example 9/3=3. The nine is the dividend, and the first three is the divisor. There was no remainder, so it divided evenly.
The number that is being divided is the dividend and the number that you are dividing by is called the divisor. The answer is called the quotient. 12÷3 = 4 12 is the dividend, 3 is the divisor, and 4 is the quotient.