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Q: When the temperature is be more or less than 98.6 degrees can the virus still survive?
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How long will flu virus survive at 160 degrees?

The influenza virus is destroyed by heat at 167o - 212o F (75o - 100o C). The length of time it could survive or if it could survive at 160o is debatable.

Can aids virus survive under outside temperature?

No. HIV needs a host. It does not live long, outside the body.

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HIV virus can not survive in hot water.

Can the rabies virus survive in snow?

Rabies virus is very delicate virus. It is inactivated by desiccation and ultra-violate light. It is easily killed by high temperature, say 70 degree Celsius.

Can hepatitis b virus survive for 7 days in dried blood?

Yes. Hepatitis B can survive in dried blood. If you live around people with Hepatitis B, a vaccine is available. You should get it. In fact, you should get it anyway. Hepatitis A and B can be prevented by a vaccine. Why take the risk?

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Can a virus survive after new windows installation?

no that virus cannot survive,if at all you use the application which had virus they are going to come back, use the best antiviru to get protect for you pc's. by Raghavendra.P.R

What do you call virus caught by air?

A virus that can survive to infect others through the air is called an airborne virus.

The virus can survive a nuclear war?

Some can.

Can rabies virus survive in clothes?


What could you assume if viruses were found anywhere else in the universe?

Where ever the virus was found had/has the sufficient amount of what the virus needed to survive. Meaning if a virus could survive, an organism might be able to as well

Can a duschund get a cold in 35 degrees?

Yes, 35 degrees with no shelter would drop the core body heat of a small dog rather quickly.