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Q: When tossing 2 coins P at least 1 tail equals P not all tails true or false?
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When tossing 2 coins P at least 1 tail equals 1 - P not all tail?


When tossing 2 coins P at least 1 head equals P not all tails true or false?


Getting at least one head when tossing eight fair coins?

Is possible.

When tossing 4 coins simultaneously find the probability that at least 1 head is showing?

It is 15/16.

Two coins are tossed. What is the probability of tossing at least one head?

There are 2 coins, 1 and 2. Each has two possibilities, H or T. The possibilities are: 1H, 2H 1H, 2T 1T, 2H 1T, 2T Each possibility has an equal chance of happening. The chance of tossing at least one head is 3/4.

When tossing 3 coins simultaneously find the probability that at least 1 head is showing?

No matter how many coins are thrown, the possibility of having AT LEAST ONE 'head' is 50%. This changes if you specify the number of 'heads' that must be shown.

What is the probability of tossing at least one head with 3 coins?

3 coins can land in 8 different ways. Only one of these ways is all tails. So the probability of rolling at least one heads is 7/8 = 87.5% .

Probability of getting 1 head tossing two coins?

By tossing two coins the possible outcomes are:H & HH & TT & HT & TThus the probability of getting exactly 1 head is 2 out 4 or 50%. If the question was what is the probability of getting at least 1 head then the probability is 3 out of 4 or 75%

When tossing 5 coins simultaneously what is the probability that at least 1 head is showing?

Probability of no heads = (0.5)^5 = 0.03125Probability of at least one head = 1 - probability of no heads = 1 - 0.03125 = 0.96875

When tossing 5 coins simultaneously can you find the probability that at least 1 head is showing?

Probability not at least 1 head showing is when all 5 coins are tails: (1/2)5=1/32 Therefore probability at least 1 head is showing is 1-1/32=31/32

What is probability of at least 2 heads on tossing 3 coins?

There are 8 permutations of three coins. Of these, 3 of them have two heads, so the probability of tossing two heads on three coins is 3 in 8, or 0.375. However, you said, "at least", so that includes the case of three heads, so the probability of throwing at least two heads is 4 in 8, or 0.5. T T T T T H T H T T H H * H T T H T H * H H T * H H H *

What is the probability of getting 6 heads in tossing 6 coins in 6 tosses?

The probability of tossing 6 heads in 6 dice is 1 in 26, or 1 in 64, or 0.015625. THe probability of doing that at least once in six trials, then, is 6 in 26, or 6 in 64, or 3 in 32, or 0.09375.