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Q: When two events are disjoint they are also independent?
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Its simple what are disjoint events?

Two events are disjoint if they cannot occur together. In set terms, their intersection is a null set.

Are two disjoint events always complementary?


What is a disjoint events mean?

In probability theory, disjoint events are two (or more) events where more than one cannot occur in the same trial. It is possible that none of them occur in a particular trial.

Event A has probability 0.4 event B has probability 0.5 If A and B are disjoint then the probability that both events occur is?

If two events are disjoint, they cannot occur at the same time. For example, if you flip a coin, you cannot get heads AND tails. Since A and B are disjoint, P(A and B) = 0 If A and B were independent, then P(A and B) = 0.4*0.5=0.2. For example, the chances you throw a dice and it lands on 1 AND the chances you flip a coin and it land on heads. These events are independent...the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the other.

Two disjoint events in which one or the other must occur are called?

Complements or complementary events

Can two disjoint sets be equivalent?

Yes,Because not all disjoint no equivalent other have disjoint and equivalent

What is joint and disjoint?

Two sets are said to be "disjoint" if they have no common element - their intersection is the empty set. As far as I know, "joint" is NOT used in the sense of the opposite of disjoint, i.e., "not disjoint".

What is mean by Disjoint sets in Mathematics?

Two sets are considered disjoint if they have no elements in common.

What is joint and disjoint set?

Two sets are said to be "disjoint" if they have no common element - their intersection is the empty set. As far as I know, "joint" is NOT used in the sense of the opposite of disjoint, i.e., "not disjoint".

Which is a pair of independent events?

Two events are independent if the outcome of one has no effect on the probability of the outcomes for the other.

When are sets disjoint in math?

When two sets do not have any elements common between them,they are said to be disjoint.

What is disjants set?

Sets are not disjants, they are disjoint. And two sets are disjoint if they have nothing in common. For example, the set {1,3,5} has nothing in common with the set {2,4,6}. So they are disjoint.