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It depends on the calculator - some have the sqrt function, with others you need to use the exponent.

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Q: When using a calculator to find the square root of a number what is the right sequence of steps?
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What is the right sequence to find the square root of a number on a calculator?

Here are the steps: 1. Find the square root button, it usually located at the middle. 2. Press the square root button. 3. Insert a number. 4. Press '='. 5. You get the answer. P.S. These steps belongs to scientific calculator.

How do you get square roots in the calculator?

Windows Calculator has a "sqrt" button on the right hand side. Key in your number then click on this button.

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In a calculator it makes the screen the same number across left to right as up and down even if the screen is not square.

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You can find the square root of an irrational number by approximating irrational square roots of them, after you use the calculator. (The calculator gives an approximate root also) For example,1. Approximate the square root of 4.3 to the nearest hundredth.Use the calculator, which shows 2. 0736444135.Since 3 < 5 round down to 2.07 and drop the digits to the right of 7.2. Approximate the negative square root of 10.8 to the nearest hundredth.Use the calculator, which shows -3.286335345Since 6 > 5 round up to -3.29 and drop the digits to the right of 8.

Square root of 136?

11.6619038You know you could always use google calculator or a real calculator right?

Is the calculator always right?

It really depends on the calculator. As long as you make sure you punched in the right numbers. To check if your calculator is broken, press the number 8 and if some pieces of the corner of the number is faded, then it's time to buy a new calculator. yes it is always right just as long as you are typing in the right numbers that you need to. :) brandi

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What is the square root of 4445?

In getting the square root, you will need a scientific calculator. Just put in 4445 then press the square root sign. Right then you will get 66.6708332 and that is the square root of 4445.

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When using a calculator to find the square root of a number what is the correct sequence of steps?

Assuming you have a scientific calculator which has a square root button ([&radic;]) the method depends upon which calculator you have, and in what mode the calculator is set. The most recent Casio calculators have two modes of entry: MathIO and LineIO. InMathIO the sequence is: [&radic;] [&lt;expression&gt;] [=] In LineIO, if the &lt;expression&gt; is more than one number brackets needs to be entered: [&radic;] [(] [&lt;expression&gt;] [)] [=] This LineIO type of entry is used on the older Casio calculators. With older models of Casio calculators, and other manufacturers the functions work on the displayed value which is replaced by the value if the function. With these calculators, the expression is entered first and then the square root key is pressed: [(] [&lt;expression&gt; [)] [&radic;] parentheses are only needed if the square root is of an expression. Examples: Square root of 16 MathIO: [&radic;] [1] [6] [=] LineIO: [&radic;] [1] [6] [=] Other: [1] [6] [&radic;] Using Pythagoras to find the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle with sides 3 and 4: MathIO: [&radic;] [3] [x&sup2;] [+] [4] [x&sup2;] [=] LineIO: [&radic;] [(] [3] [x&sup2;] [+] [4] [x&sup2;] [)] [=] Other:[(] [3] [x&sup2;] [+] [4] [x&sup2;] [)] [&radic;] With MathIO the square root symbol extends over the expression as each key is pressed which is why the parentheses are not needed in the last example.

In simple terms please explain how to use square root keys on a calculator?

type in the number you want to find the square root of, then press the square root button. if it doesnt tell you straight away, press =. ADDED: A good tip, and one I find useful, to verify you have understood the method is to try it on a number you know. So here for example, you know the square root of 4 is 2, and the square root of 100 is 10. So if you try the method and see the right answer, as the calculator can't make mistakes but can only follow your instructions, you know you have used it correctly.