In 499ce, he is in 23rd years old .he will find out the approximation of pi
No one has fully discovered pi. Pi is believed to be irrational.
aryabhatta discovered it as 3.1416
Aryabhatta did not discover pi - it was known long before him. He found a more accurate value and a method for calculating pi to greater accuracy than was previously known.
add 4 to 100 and then multiply it by 8, now add answer to 62000 and divide the result by 20000 (((100+4)*8)+62000=62832 62832/20000=3.1416 the ratio of circumferance to diameter gives the value of pi
aryabhatta discovered it as 3.1416
No one has fully discovered pi. Pi is believed to be irrational.
aryabhatta discovered it as 3.1416
aryabhatta discovered it as 3.1416
aryabhatta discovered it as 3.1416
aryabhatta discovered it as 3.1416. value of i is 22/7
Aryabhatta did not discover pi - it was known long before him. He found a more accurate value and a method for calculating pi to greater accuracy than was previously known.
pi is the constant value that was given by ARYABHATTA was 3.141 and here "r" is nothing but radius
pi=3.141... C divided by D. Circumference of a circle divided by the diameter of a circle.
"An unknown Indian" invented ZERO. Aryabhatta invented decimal system and determined the value of PI (3.14........). Ramadhar Dwivedi CIMFR Roorkee