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No one has fully discovered pi. Pi is believed to be irrational.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago
Aryabhatta figured out pi.
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βˆ™ 4y ago

Aryabhatta figured out the value of pi.

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What is the Numerical figure of pi?

How many places do you want it figured to? 3.14159 is a fairly common answer, but the value of pi is infinite.

Who figured out the value of pi that is used to measure the area of circles?

Archimedes of Syracuse

Which Greek thinkers discovered the value of pi?

None because the exact value of pi has never been finally figured out and that all we know is that when the circumference of a circle is divided by its diameter that it is the value of pi which has been worked out to billions and billions of decimal places and still its exact value remains undiscovered.

How did they figure out pi?

they figured it out by getting the circummference and cutting it in half to figure out the diametre of a circle aka(pi

What is the value of pi by 2?

The value of Pi is 3.14 so the value of Pi by 2 is 6.28.

Define Pi and a brief history of Pi?

Pi is the number you get by dividing a circle's circumference by its diameter. It is irrational. It is 3.1415926535897. Every generation, people figured out another few didgets of pi.

What is th value of pi?

The value of pi (Ï€) is3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751.........

What is the appromiximate value of pi?

The approximate value of pi is 3.14159265.

Value of pi for?

The value for Pi for math is 3.14. Pi is the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet.

How you will get pi value?

You get the value of pi by dividing the circumference with the diameter of a circle. pi = c/d

What is the value of pi 227?

Not sure what the 227 is for but the value of pi is 3.14159265

How many digits has pi been figured to?

i hate this website i just wanted ot know how many digits pi was and then somehow i got here! like i know that is why i was asking you you stupid program!!! you can't even tell me how many numbers pi has been figured to! some website to get answers!