I just bought on for $325.00 plus tax of course. I believe mine was made in 1953.
Marlin made their Mod 336 chambered in 30-30 which is similar to, but not a copy of, the Winchester model 94. Taurus has a copy of the Mod 92 and may bring out a model 94 now that Winchester has stopped making them.
does anybody know what year they were made?
Go to http://www.marlinfirearms.com/ and request an owners manual for the marlin glenfield model 60. They have changed little since 1980.
The first Model Marlin 39 was made from 1922-1938.There were no Marlin model 39 lever action rifles made in 1900.
Your Marlin model 100G was a single shot promotional model in .22cal that was made by Marlin.The value is between 55-95 dollars.
i have a marlin 30-30 model 1893 ser# 2113xx can you tell me the value of it thanks rick
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 15Y(Youth) rifle was made in the year 1986.
your marlin model 1897 was made by marlin in 1903.
The value of a Marlin model 336 in that condition is 350-400 dollars.
I don't know the value of your .22 Ranger bolt action,but it was made by Marlin for and sold by Ranger.It is the same as the Marlin model 80.All parts will fit
My records indicate that the Marlin model 81DL was a promotional model that was made from 1940-1965.The value of these rifles is between 65-100 dollars.
The marlin model 336 mostly ranges in price from 275-375 dollars,depending on the overall condition of the rifle.
The Marlin model 26 shotgun was made from 1909-1915.
your marlin model 336A was made by marlin in 1950.
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Marlin model 1894 was made by Marlin in the year 1895.