Yes, we can. And in most cases, they are easier than using mixed fractions.
cooking/ measurement food/ cutting car racing clock/ time/dividing time schedule
By using the decimal numbers, you are now using the concept of fraction. There are some situation where we can apply the fraction, for example, cooking, medicine, sewing and tailoring :)
There is no such example. If you cannot use an exact fraction then there will not be an exact decimal that you can use instead. And, if you are using an approximate decimal, you could use an approximate fraction instead.
A half life may or may not be a fraction. The half life of carbon 14, for example, is 5715 years - not really a fraction, unless you are thinking in terms time periods which are much longer than a year.
i dont know do you?
the daliy task of a doctor is work and sometimes fun.
Whenever you need to buy, sell, cook, pour, mix, eat, use,or measure a part of something instead of a whole one,you need to use decimals in order to do it right.
We don't have "daliy" weather in this country... come back to Amerika when you learn to spell.
Most people don't use Ohm's law in their daily life but if they deal with electrical things it's important for them to know Ohm's law so that they understand the relationship between voltage, current and resistance.
nothing but cut hair
2400 mg per day
by clicking on the radio and switching to Pokemon talk
chages daliy actives
Yes, we can. And in most cases, they are easier than using mixed fractions.
cooking/ measurement food/ cutting car racing clock/ time/dividing time schedule