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Since you asked when these "means' are used, I believe you know about them. Where the requirement of deciding and posting a figure for some combined op like NYSE, weighted averages which simple terms mean "mean" is used. Again, this is used in evaluating a student's performance given the specific specialties he / she had opted for. Some subjects may carry less weightages or no weightage at all in the overall scheme. Say for a forensic medicine student, economics could be a subject where she / he has to write an exam paper. But it is not compulsory to score a specified percentage of marks there to be successful in that exam. Like for Engineering students, nowadays, economics and literature is not considered important but invariably have them as subjects for which they have to give an exam. But they don't carry or carry so less weight that performance in those subjects have no impact on results or merit of results. This is weighted mean. And this is established and used where it becomes convenient for the management to asses only the core abilities but also want some knowledge or exposure in some other mundane ones.

Combined mean is used when it becomes convenient for those who want gold and copper chaff and cheese combined and use an arithmetical average.

It's complicated question. Perhaps requires an erudite and elaborate answer. I am sorry. I have no intellectual wherewithal to issue forth a proper answer.

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Q: When weighted mean and combined mean is used?
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The arithmetic mean and the weighted mean are used in different situations. The arithmetic mean is used in frequencies as a general average. The weighted mean is used when different factors contribute to some kind of total for example with weighted index numbers. It is not a matter of accuracy it involves using the right mean in the right situation. Almost always (if not always) a question will specify which mean to use.

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The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.

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A weighted mean is when some values contribute more than others. In order to calculate weighted mean multiply each weight by its value, add those and then divide by the sum of the weights.

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The weighted mean is simply the arithmetic mean; however, certain value that occur several times are taken into account. See an example

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weighted mean is getting the weighted average of students. normally, it is always use in computing the general average of the students to determine the ranking of the whole class.

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What is the definition of 'weighted mean'?

"Weighted mean" is the average calculated by taking into account not only the frequencies of the variables but also some other factors such as their variance.

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Is there any difference between expected value and arithmetic mean?

There is. Arithmetic mean is simple average of numbers not weighted by anything. However in EV, the numbers are weighted by their probability

What does weighted average mean?

The weighted arithmetic mean is used, if one wants to combine average values from samples of the same population with different sample sizes: : The weights wi represent the bounds of the partial sample. In other applications they represent a measure for the reliability of the influence upon the mean by respective values. rhinostar