

When would use a broken scale?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: When would use a broken scale?
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What is a broken scale in math?

When the scale is large, there is little point in starting it at 0. We therefore start at a more appropriate number, and draw a little zigzag at the bottom of the scale where 0 would have been. That is a broken scale.

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how you would use the scale in miles to estimate to total area of Madagascar

When would you use the celsius scale?

to measure temperature

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You would use a scale or a balance. You would then use a unit of mass such as milligrams or grams to express the answer.

Can you play a minor scale with a major chord?

yes...but technically you would want to use the chord that went with the scale

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a weighing scale -- it comes in many forms: electronic scale or mechanical.

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The facts of the scale would not be protected, but expressions of it would be--for example, taking an image of the scale from a journal and including it in a new document would require permission.

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What tool would you use to measure the distance from Boston to New York?

I would use the odometer on my car. If that does not help I would use a map and a ruler and measure it to scale.

What tool would you use to measure pound?

A scale or a balance would be used to measure weight in pounds.

What would you use to find the distance between two places on a map?

the scale